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Learn Best Breast Cancer Prevention Tips You Should Know To Lower Your Risk!
Breast Cancer Awareness month (or Breast Cancer Prevention month as we like to call it at Keep A Breast) is over and by now you have probably seen your fair share of pink ribbons and sports stars going pink for breast cancer. But what does it mean? How can you lower your risk for cancer? And why should you care?
Did you know that fewer than 15% of all women who develop breast cancer have a family member diagnosed with it? This might seem like a scary statement, but think about it…
This means that 85% of all breast cancer cases are caused by factors other than heredity, such as environmental toxins, bad eating habits, and stress.
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تعلم أفضل نصائح لمنع سرطان الثدي يجب أن تعرفه لخفض المخاطر الخاصة بك!
شهر التوعية بسرطان الثدي (أو شهر الوقاية من سرطان الثدي كما نحب أن نسميها في Keep A Breast) قد انتهى ، وربما تكون قد شاهدت على الأرجح حصتك العادلة من الشرائط الوردية والنجوم الرياضية التي تتحول إلى اللون الوردي لسرطان الثدي. و لكن ماذا يعني ذلك؟ كيف يمكنك تقليل خطر الإصابة بالسرطان؟ ولماذا يجب أن تهتم؟
هل تعلم أن أقل من 15 ٪ من جميع النساء اللواتي يصبن بسرطان الثدي لديهن فرد من العائلة مصاب به؟ قد يبدو هذا بمثابة بيان مخيفة ، لكن فكر في الأمر ...
وهذا يعني أن 85٪ من جميع حالات سرطان الثدي تنتج عن عوامل أخرى غير الوراثة ، مثل السموم البيئية والعادات الغذائية السيئة والإجهاد.
✰✰✰ دعم بنا حسب التصنيف بنا 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰
✰✰✰ يرجى الاتصال بنا أولا إذا كان لديك أي سؤال! ✰✰✰
★★★ Download It For Free ★★★
Learn Best Breast Cancer Prevention Tips You Should Know To Lower Your Risk!
Breast Cancer Awareness month (or Breast Cancer Prevention month as we like to call it at Keep A Breast) is over and by now you have probably seen your fair share of pink ribbons and sports stars going pink for breast cancer. But what does it mean? How can you lower your risk for cancer? And why should you care?
Did you know that fewer than 15% of all women who develop breast cancer have a family member diagnosed with it? This might seem like a scary statement, but think about it…
This means that 85% of all breast cancer cases are caused by factors other than heredity, such as environmental toxins, bad eating habits, and stress.
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